How to Become a Family Trauma Expert

The Family Trauma Institute provides a step-by-step path to become a family trauma expert using the Family Systems Trauma (FST) model to treat not just the individual but the entire traumatized family.

Family Trauma Institute FST Overview

Step 1: FST Overview: Free and CE Webinars

Attend free FST monthly webinars.  

A great first step to get an overview of the FST Model and try FST techniques. 


Attend an FST Continuing Education Webinar. 

These webinars deliver 3.0 CE Units and are FST techniques for special populations such as anxiety disorders or extreme disrespect. 

Step 2: FST Advanced Training

Enroll in our FST Advanced Training to the FST Model and techniques quickly and with confidence.

It is a self-paced and online digital course that will teach you the 12 Core Techniques of the Family Systems Trauma Model whether you are a direct counselor, case manager, or parent support advocate. 

It is accelerated learning. What would have normally require years of training and additional schooling can now take place quickly. 

Watch this 3-Minute Video to see the course in action.

What You Will Receive 

  • Weekly live office hours with Dr. Sells to ask questions
  • Scripts and handouts to know how to do family trauma with confidence 
  • Each FST technique has short video trainings and real case examples 
  • Be part of a larger FST community to learn from one another. 
  • CE credit for each of the 12 FST Techniques 
  • A copy of the Treating the Traumatized Child Book

Upon Course Completion

  • Graduates are eligible for FST Certification.
  • Receive an FST Advanced Trained digital seal that identified you as advanced trained in the FST Model.

Group and Agency administrators should contact us direct to speak with Dr. Sells in person about the specific benefits to your staff.

Step 3: FST Certification

FST Advanced Training Course graduates are eligible to advance to FST Certification. 

What is the Main Difference Between Advanced Training and Certification? 

FST Advanced Training provides you with education of all 12 techniques.

FST Certification provides you with the application of these techniques. You meet monthly over the next five months with your own FST Consultant to onboard those techniques with your actual cases.  

You will take one or more of your cases through all 5 Phases of the FST Model and apply all 12 techniques- Click Here to see the FST Model Flowchart

  • Phase I – Diagnose and Assessment 
  • Phase II – Wound (Trauma) Work Introduction
  • Phase III – Co-Create Wound or Trauma Playbooks
  • Phase IV – Troubleshooting and Dress Rehearsals
  • Phase V – Evaluate Progress & Relapse Prevention 

Immediate Benefits to You After Graduation  

  • High Level Confidence in Family Trauma– You will walk into any family session with confidence because of your  
  • Unique Niche in Family Trauma. You will now be considered a family trauma expert in your community and a specialist in this area.
  • Post-Graduate Certification in Family Systems Trauma – FST Certified Digital Seal to signify to your clients, agency, or community that you hold a specialized certificate in family systems trauma. 
  • Listed on the Family Trauma Institute as an FST Certified Therapist. The Family Trauma Institute has a search engine that will enable parents, professionals, and agencies to contact you for counseling and consultation.